Easy Cardboard Mandala Craft for Kids
Oct 22, 2022Children love colour and pattern, and this project delivers plenty of both! Mandalas are a great way to teach children about repeating patterns and symmetry. A mandala is a geometric design that holds a great deal of symbolism in many cultures. Mandala, which is Sanskrit for “circle”, are circles arranged into sections that are all organized around a single, central point. They are just perfect for learning about radial symmetry!
Today colourful mandalas can be found in mindful colouring books, printed onto fashion, wall art, tattoos and so much more.
For a crafty-noon of arty fun you can create your own mandala design using simple craft supplies and recycled materials. As the weather warms up and the flowers start to bloom; you could also take a garden walk and collect nature finds for a beautiful natural mandala design.
Here is what you need:
· Large cardboard circle
· Materials to build your mandala such as wooden cutlery, beads or pegs, paddle pop sticks, pasta, pom poms
· Recycled materials from the kitchen such as bottle tops, bread bag tags
· For a natural mandala you can use nature finds such as gumnuts, seeds or pods
· Hot Glue gun or quick dry craft glue
· Liquid paint
· Paint brush

Step 1. Cut out a large cardboard circle My mandala was 25cm diameter, but the bigger the better!
Step 2. Divide your mandala into at least 5-8 sections by placing the long craft materials on the cardboard. You also might like to draw these sections with a pencil.
Step 3. Begin arranging an interesting selection of materials in one section at a time. Remind your child that mandala patterns repeat to create radial symmetry. Arrange the same placement of materials in each section of your mandala.
Step 4. Once you are happy with your design begin gluing your materials in place. Leave to dry.
Step 5. Now it’s time to add colour with liquid paint! Select a colour to paint the different materials first, then choose a contrasting colour for the background.

Step 6. Your colourful mandala is complete! A great alternative to using household items and craft supplies for your mandala are nature finds. Leave, seed pods, flowers and gum nuts would make a beautiful nature mandala perfect for spring/summer!

The full length video lesson of this project is ALSO inside my Online Art Club for Kids. To access this lesson and heaps more jump over here to check it out.
I would love to see what your Little Artist creates. Tag me on instagram @art_with_georgie or email your pic through to me [email protected] I always reply to every message.