No Mess Baby Art Canvas
Oct 22, 2022
If you've seen this post or this one, then you'll know I'm a big fan of making artworks with my little baby Eve. These no-mess finger painting sessions have become part of our play-time routine each week and we have banked up quite a few tiny masterpieces that are ready to frame. They are a quick, easy with all the benefits of developing fine motor skills too!
No Mess finger painting has done the rounds on the internet, and is a great activity to keep little one busy using only a couple of supplies and without the hassle of wandering painted hands.
To add an extra touch to a No Mess finger painting session we incorporated texture by using bubble wrap and created a few layers of paint.

What you need
masking tape
bubble wrap
What you do
Place canvas onto of a large sheet of bubble wrap (bubble facing up). Squeeze stripes of paint on to the canvas, then flip upside down onto the bubble wrap. Fold bubble wrap over the edges of canvas and tape securely at the back - just like your wrapping a present.

Let baby play, squish, whack, smoosh the paint beneathe the bubbly plastic.

Once play time is over remove the bubble wrap and let the canvas dry. You will see subtle bubbly textures in the paint layers alreay. Set up for tomorrow to repeat the process for layer two.
This time squeeze your paint in a different pattern over your canvas. Use the same colours or something contrasting - this part is fun to experiment! No matter what you choose you will get a different outcome of beautiful painterly layers each time.

Then, play time again!

Remove bubble wrap and leave to dry.

For a final touch cut out the letter of your baby's name in black and white. Glue the black letter to the centre of the canvas and the white on top - a little off centre. The baby artwork is complete!
Find a spot for the final Baby Art Canvas in a prime position at home - don't hide it away!. These little artwork masterpieces are perfect for family gifts or Mothers Day - like this one too.